PvE stage (V2.0)

The battle royale adventure mode is online. Players' pets are no longer just for display, now they can go on adventures!

1.Participation requirements

  1. The player’s rats pet needs to reach level 10 or above

  2. An agent is required to exchange EAFE tokens for 1:1 points exchange

2.Introduction to gameplay

  1. Players bet a certain number of points and choose a room to hide in

  2. Game start conditions: When the minimum number of people required for a battle royale round is met (10 people) Or the waiting time for this game exceeds 30 minutes This game starts, waiting for the killer to appear

  3. The killer will randomly appear in a certain room and kill all players in the room

  4. Surviving players can receive rewards, and the game is over.

  5. Players can exit when the game is over, or change rooms and wait for the game to start again

3.Reward distribution

  1. Players killed by the killer will lose the points they staked, and the points will be distributed as rewards to the players who survived this round (specifically determined according to the proportion of the player's stake at the beginning of the game)

  2. After each round, the platform will count the points of the loser (the player killed by the killer), and the platform will collect 5% of them and transfer them to the reward treasury, and the remaining 95% will be divided among the rewards according to the ratio of the survivors’ pledges.

  3. Competition evaluations will be announced every week, and incentives and rewards will be given to players based on their performance.

Q1: Why introduce a point-based points mechanism instead of directly betting chips with EAFE tokens? A: Introducing chip points as codes for competitive games to reduce the frequency of on-chain transactions for players in the game, avoid players waiting for block confirmation to arrive before starting the next round, and improve the user experience in the game.

Q2: How to ensure that the possibility of the killer appearing in the room is random? A: The randomness of the appearance of the killer, the real on-chain block hash as the random number seed, and the fairness of the game through public block information and transparent calculation formulas.

5.Future expansion

In the future, the mall will launch more functional props. By purchasing specific props, you can obtain some rights and interests in the battle royale game, such as:

  • Safe house: fully protect yourself from harm

  • Shield: Reduces the amount of points lost when killed

Last updated